# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Other club news

Other than the schedule change there were a few other significant changes to our tournament rules for 2011. The first being how the tournament payouts are calculated which will now be a paycheck for every four entries. This will pay more places per event and will spread the money out a little more than in the past. The exact payout schedule will be determined at the February meeting but the one place for every four entries is set in stone.

Secondly, there will be less hardware given out at the banquet this year. We will now only award one trophy for first place for each tournament. I was quite suprised at this change because we routinely give out four or five per tournament but a motion was put on the floor and it was voted in so 10 plaques will be given out this year.

And lastly, the club will have the right to shorten tournaments due to launch or other unforseen factors by a majority vote the morning of an event. Last year the tournament director had the right to change the start time due to launch problems, weather, ect, but the rules stated that all tournaments had to be 8 hours so a late start meant a late finish. Now, a late start could result in a shortened tournament if the majority votes for it under the new format. It may not come into play this year but if for some reason we can't launch say until 9am, then we may fish a six hour tournament. I like the rule and think it gives the club some flexibility.

This might not be the most exciting time of year for the club but some good groundwork has been laid for 2011 and now we can start to think about just fishing again. The rules are set and so is the schedule so hopefully we'll talk fishing from now on. I'm working on a few guest speakers for the upcoming meetings and hopefully that will add a little excitement into our winter meetings. Don't look now but the Bass Pro Shops spring sale is about a month away.

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