# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beds in Florida

It's depressing this time of year for fishermen but I guess it doesn't have to be. During last weeks BASS Southern Open, many of the competitors reported catching bedding bass and lots of 20+ pound stringers were brought to the scales on Okechobee. I swear when I retire I will be there in January to get in on that action.

Last year the Smith family made it to Florida for spring break and I fished then but that was the first week of April and we had open water in Michigan by then. I have never done a southern trip to fish when it was still cold here but I may look into that next year. Five months not fishing is too long and you can only clean your reels so many times.

Club News: I talked to tournament director Scott Hartman recently and he is working diligently on putting the flyer together for the Spring Open. He is starting to work on sponsors and hopefully will have the flyer together and mailed by early April if not earlier.

The goal for the Open is 30 teams and Scott believes that is obtainable, especially since the tournament will be held on opening day. I have already been in contact with another organization which held an opening day event on Michigan Center last year and they are no longer in existence so we should have the lake to ourselves. Scott has a mailing list for the flyers that is probably 20 names long and we will expand it to hopefully 40. Scott is working hard to make this a viable fund raiser for the club once again and he's well on his way to doing so

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