# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Club Banquet

The 2010 season is officially in the books with the completion of the season ending banquet and it was a great ending. Mike Pritchard picked an awesome venue with Steves Ranch House doing the hosting and everything was top notch. I am without my computer for a few days but will post a few pictures when I'm back online.

Back to the Banquet. The food was great and Mike did an excellent job with the prizes as well. It was a cozy atmosphere and probably one of the best setups for our small gathering. Having a room to ourselves is a big deal and I'd love to go back next year. This is probably my 10th banquet and I have more fun each year.

Back in the day it seemed like the party was a little more formal and I always thought it was a little "stuffy". But now it seems like the mood is more casual and whether that's due to smaller crowds or just everyone getting along better, I think it is definitely for the better.

And who would have thunk I'd win any sort of sportsmanship award but that's just what happened. I took home the Dale Popp award and was quite honored to do so. I'll comment more on the award later, the weather is good and all my free time will be spent on the water so everything will be delayed a few days. The bottom line is that the banquet was a success and thanks to everyone who helped make it that way.

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