# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weekend Fishing

I can't believe the warm fall we're having so far but the fishing is not what I'd hoped for so far and this past weekend was no different. With mild air temps near 70 and water temps still in the mid-50's I thought we'd hammer the bass but it was just the opposite. Scott Hartman and I got out for about 5 hours Saturday and total we caught about 18 fish and no keepers.

I threw crankbaits, spinnerbaits, jigs and plastics to no avail. I fished deep weededges, points, cuts and main lake flats. I believe the water temps are still a little warm for the fish to go on feeding binges so hopefully this cold front moving through will get the fish active.

I talked to fellow club member Jim VanAken and he had similar results on Michigan Center this weekend as well. Jim fishes Center often and claims they bite well into November and the bite is really good when the water temps drop into the 40's. I am going out this weekend and will post all the info I can. I hope this warm spell will extend the season a few weeks because I'm having tournament withdrawls already. It's too early for that.

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