# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Club from a Rookie Perspective V2.0

While Jerry is on yet another vacation he asked me to write something up while he was gone. Last year I wrote on my perspective of the club highlighting quite a few things that I liked and a few things that I would like to see changed.

I loved the camaraderie, the GREAT competition, and the willingness of those who did well to share with others on what they did to succeed.

Some of the changes I wanted to see were to have the open tournaments to be part of the AOY race and classic births. I also wanted at least one draw tournament as well as a tournament against another local club from a neighboring county.

In hindsight, The draw tournament is not as big of a deal to me anymore. I know quite a few of you and feel that if I simply asked, more than likely I could fish with someone different once in a while. I still feel as though the opens should have some sort of bearing on the results at the end of the year only because I would like those tournaments to be a true representation of how the club is and acts in order to "lure" new members. A tournament against another neighboring club would be awesome, but feel its tough enough for the tournament director to align a good schedule of lakes to fish without having to do so with another club even if it is for just one tournament.

The only other change that I think would be important for the club would be to list everyone who fished in the results of the tournaments listed on this website. For example, last week as we can all agree, Wamplers was tough fishing!!! We had 23 fisherman but only 13 weighed in a fish. For any onlookers or future potential members they may have seen our results and thought only 13 people fished. I for one would hate to be listed as a zero but we do already list the complete AOY standings. I don't feel that it would be a detriment to those that zeroed to list them as well only for the purpose of showing a true representation of the amount of fisherman we truly get.

In closing, I am having a blast again this year fishing against everyone and I truly hope that nobody takes these recommendations the wrong way!! These are just my opinions and honestly I was having a problem thinking of anything else to write about.

Sincerely!! Matt Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Nice article Matt. As a former member and past president of SCMB I know of the many great members the club has.There is a tournament usually in Sept/oct called the ten/ten tournament. A couple of local clubs get together and fish for a trophy for their perspective club along with bragging rights for the year. This year the tournament is 9/19 the lake is TBA. Russ
