# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baw Beese Report

I still don't have my boat back from the shop yet but fellow club member Mike Maske graciously loaned me his and I was able to get a little practice in on Baw Beese. I hit the water at probably 8:30 am and fished until 12:30. Here is what I observed.

The water temps were 57 degrees first thing in the morning and the skies were sunny and the water was flat calm. Air temps were about 45 but not too bad but with the sun and calm water the fish could see me a mile away. But I could see them as well. I started on the outside edge of a big flat and immediately saw fish cruising up and down the break. As I approached they would lazily swim away, ignoring any lure presentation. I tried to make extremely long casts and tried several different lures and except for a few short fish on a suspending jerkbait I didn't have much success.

I jumped around to a few other good breaks I know of and encountered the same thing, lots of spooky fish but no biters. I decided to move up onto the sun drenched flats a little and as I progressed shallower I encountered fewer fish. Searching a few docks for beds was fruitless as well and moved back out to the breaks to look for more cruisers.

I have fished this lake about 10 times but never this early in the season so I'm not quite sure where the bass bed but I have an idea. I headed for these suspected spawning grounds next and actually did observe a few traces of beds beginning to form but saw nothing locked onto them and only saw small male fish. I suspect these small males are beginning to fan out nests but are just starting and it will be a little bit before any females move up. I did see one big fish cruising a protected bedding area but was not locked on to anything.

I spent the remainder of the day just "looking" and even went into a few man made channels to look for beds but saw nothing but 10 and 12 inch fish on small beds. I did most of my pre-fishing on the main lake but ventured into third and I believe fourth lake which is under the bridge and saw nothing to get excited about. I ended up catching only about 3 or 4 fish but threw everything from plastics to crankbaits and jerbaits and even busted out a spinnerbait for a while. I think with the weather continuing to warm and the wind picking up as is the forecast for the weekend then the fishing should improve. The water temps were 60 when I left.

Summary: The fish still seemed to be in a pre-spawn mode but with warm weather that could change any day. I pretty much ruled out the sight fishing angle but wouldn't be suprised if a few beds popped up by Sunday. The spooky cruising fish out on the breaks could very well start moving up and biting with the warm windy weather especially later in the day and a small shower could enhance the bite as well. I would not be suprised to see water temps in the low 60's for Sunday and hope to be able to just run and gun the flats with lipless cranks and spinnerbaits but maybe that's just wishful thinking. I will be prepared for a finesse approach as well if thats what it comes down to. I still think 9 or 10 pounds will win this event with only a couple limits coming to the scales and most anglers catching 3-5 pounds. Hopefully I'm wrong and the bite really gets going but for now that is my prediction.

If a few big females move up then a good kicker fish will go a long way but I'm not seeing that yet. I will hopefully get back out on Friday and do a little more looking and will report back any relevant info. The forecast calls for warm air temps into the 70's this weekend with a chance of rain and a good chance on Sunday. The wind will probably be the biggest issue with 20 mph winds and gusts up to 40mph possible. These will most likely be out of the SW so keep that in mind when practicing. More reports to follow.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Poll question

Just something I thought I'd try that's new this year is a poll question before each tournament. I'm not sure how many hits I even get on this site let alone the participation we'll have for the poll but I think it will be interesting to try it out. Make sure you vote by Saturday.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Reports

Well the catch and release season is officially open and I did manage a little time on the water but not exactly what I had hoped for. Saturday I went to Portage and had the whole day to myself and could not wait to unleash the new tackle. But to make a long story short, my trolling motor took a dump and by 10:00 my fishing day was over. I put the boat on the trailer and drove directly to D and R sports in Kazoo and dropped it off at the service department. One week before the season opener and I'm not taking any chances of not having a boat.

But I did manage to do a little damage to the fish in the two hours I was on the lake. I saw lots of fish cruising inside weedlines and some big largemouth as well. I had water temps in the high 50's and actually found a few largemouth on beds. I caught three on beds and two of them were over three pounds apiece and were caught on tubes. I expected to find smallmouth bedding and never realized these fish were green until I hooked them. I never did find any smallies but like I said I had limited time on the water.

Sunday morning I got out on Columbia with a couple of fellow club members but in slightly different conditions. Cold air temps and rain do not mix well with spring bass fishing but we stuck it out and actually caught quite a few fish although not many keepers. Water temps were around 55 degrees which was probably a slight decrease from last week and I never saw a single bed although it was quite windy and visibility was tough. Most fish came on jerkbaits and a few on shallow crankbaits and grubs as well. It got pretty miserable towards the end but Sunday is my fishing day and I was not going to quit early.

As far as the weather goes it looks like a warm up is coming towards the middle of this week and into the weekend for our first tournament. I hope to get the boat back in a few days and get out on Baw Beese by Wednesday. I'm kind of hoping that there will not be a lot of bed fish available for the tournament because that's tough to do with two in a boat when bed fish are limited. I am not a great bed fisherman anyway and pre-spawn tactics are more my speed. I will post my reports and any other I hear about later in the week.

Friday, April 23, 2010

C & R Opener

The season opens on catch and release bass fishing tomorrow, Saturday April 24th. The water temps are in the mid to high 50's and bedding activity has been reported on certain area lakes. The weather however is not cooperating this weekend as a small front is moving in that contains several days of rain. The fishing should remain good and several folks I've talked to have even mentioned going to Baw Beese this weekend. I will report any info that I hear.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Directions to Baw Beese

-Take U.S. 12 to Jonesville and head south on M 99
-Take M 99 right through Hillsdale and keep on it south of town
-about a mile out of town turn left on Steamburg just past the fairgrounds
-take I believe the second left just before the lake on Lakeview
-take the next right on Water Works rd and this will take you to the park
-the launch is small and on the right hand side, just off the road
-If you keep going past the launch there will be a second launch at the end of the road.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday Fishing

It was looking as if the water temps would be into the 70's by May but as usual, mother nature got things back to normal and a small cold front came in last weekend and cooled things off. I was on the water Thursday and saw several smallmouth beds and had water temps near 60 degrees. I returned to that same lake Sunday morning with fellow club member Scott Hartman and here's what I found:

We launched at 9am and immediately saw about 7 smallmouth beds, more than on Thursday. The water temps had cooled to about 52 but I was amazed at the number of beds that had been made even with a cold front setting in. Most beds held small males which I believe make the beds and the big females come later. I did however find a few big fish and caught one that went 4.2 on the digital scales.

Thinking that most of the bigger females were hanging just outside of these areas, we moved to the first breaks and slightly deeper water and threw suspending jerkbaits but only caught small to barely keeper size fish. I know that's where the big females are at but for some reason can never catch them until they reach the beds. Most of my fish came on a rapala X-rap jerkbait and I believe Scott was throwing that as well. Probably caught about 15 fish and by 1pm the water had warmed up to 54 degrees.

I think with the warmer weather setting in this week that a lot of these lakes that contain smallmouth will have significant bedding activity for the catch and release opener which begins Saturday. I purposely did not name the lake I was fishing because I believe any lake that contains smallies will probably be in the same phase right now and they can be caught in several lakes around town.

I will probably be on Portage this weekend because I know I can catch bedding smallmouth but the lake also has a good population of largemouth as well. I have not fished spawning green fish very often and I think this would be a good place to practice that technique. I feel there may be some bedding largemouth on BawBeese and want to be ready if that is the case. I know several club members may be headed down to Hillsdale this weekend to start practicing and I will post any reports that I get. I will not personally start my practicing until about Tuesday of next week.

I will post directions to the lake in a day or two as soon as I can figure out the road names that I use. I can drive there but can't tell you the names of the roads. I usually take US - 12 to Jonesville and then go south on M - 99. This will go through the town of Hillsdale and spit you out on the south end of town. Keep on this road for about a mile then turn left just after the fairgrounds. The lake is about a 1/2 from there and another left is needed to get into the park. I will post better directions hopefully by Thursday.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday Fishing Report

I was able to get out for a few hours today and enjoy the unseasonably warm spring day. I had a few mechanical issues (flat tire and broken trolling motor) and hopefully will have them taken care of by next weekends catch and release opener. I was suprised to find water temps near 60 degrees and actually found about 15 beds. There were high winds out of the west and I think that pushed most of the bedders off because I only saw a few of the newly formed beds occupied.

I did manage to catch a few fish and the biggest went about 3.5 pounds which was not caught on a bed. I was fishing a big spawning flat with a rapala X-rap jerkbait. I ended up catching about 10 fish in two hours but had a hard time managing the wind with the trolling motor issue. The weather is going to cool down over the weekend but will begin to warm back up next week.

After what I saw today I have a feeling the Baw Beese tournament could easily be a spawning event if the warm weather continues. There will be a full moon three days before the tourney which could send a big wave of fish shallow, more than there already are. I love fishing this time of year and will continue to post reports as I get out. Hopefully I'll go again Sunday weather permitting.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Entry Fees Due

Just a quick reminder that the entry forms and fees for the clubs first tournament on Baw Beese Lake are due this coming Thursday, April 15th. I talked to the tournament director Bill Maurer briefly this afternoon and he said as of now there will be 12 boats or 24 anglers. This will be a good turnout and will surpass last years opener as far as participation goes.

Anyone interested in still signing up can call Bill or just drop your form off at his house. This will be a good kickoff event for the club and I urge anyone that is contemplating fishing to do so. I will post fishing reports as soon as I can get out on Baw Beese which will be in a week or so.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Florida Bassin

Well I made it home from my vacation and between all the Disney things and the quality time spent with my family I actually found time for a little fishing. My traveling partner Mike Maske and I found a small 150 acre lake that rented boats and on a warm Florida morning we headed out in an old 17 foot aluminum bass rig with an underpowered hand controlled trolling motor. The water temps were 75 degrees and the lake was rimmed with reeds, pads and other types of vegetation I could not identify.

Having never fished Florida lakes I only know what I see on TV so I had a big buzz frog, a big purple worm for flippin' and a rattle trap tied on. The first 45 minutes were spent trying to get used to the boat and casting to fish that would not bite. Florida is known to have fickle fish but they are still bass and I knew adjustments had to be made. I did have a few followers that did short strike near the boat so we figured the fish were off the bank a little bit. I tied on a soft jerkbait and moved to slightly deeper water and caught five fish in the next ten minutes. Mike did the same and it was game on after that. I followed up my Super Fluke with a senko as well and we ended up catching 30 fish over the next three hours and lost probably another 20.

Most of the fish were 14 inchers and the biggest was just under three pounds but that was ok because we slung every fish into the boat due to the fact that a 13 foot gator swam in the lake. We never saw him but he was in the back of our minds every time we ventured too close to shore. The water was a bit stained and the weeds were different than back home but bass fishing principles are the same everywhere. Pick the right bait for the type of water your fishing and fish the right water. Since the shallows weren't producing we just moved out deeper and were quite proud of ourselves to have such a good day on an unfamiliar lake. The weed clumps were the only other things to target and that's where the fish were.

Other boats were on the lake but the park director said they only had limited success compared to us. He also said the lake record is a 12 pounder but we never saw anything close to that. But I will be back next year to look for the big boy. The 12 pounder not the gator.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2010 Season Outlook by Matt Morgan

Guys and Gals, As a few of you are aware... Jerry is down south drinking drinks with umbrellas in them while thanking God that he brought his mirrored lense sunglasses :). He has recruited me once again to write something on the site but made me promise to not out write him this time.

Since Im a little hampered for time I figured I would just give a run-down of the schedule from my perspective.

May 2nd - Baw Beese -- Ive only been on this body of water one other time and it was in the middle of the summer. I figure for this time of year I will primarily be fishing fast moving baits and sorting through the small fish, hoping for a limit. The one other time I was here my dad and I caught 3 keepers all about 2 pounds. On an excitement scale of 1-10,I will have to give this one a 10 mainly because it's only a month away and it's the start of the season. My predicted winning weight will be 13lbs

May 23rd - Hardy Dam -- SMALLMOUTH on BEDS, nuff said. Excitement scale of 1-10,I will have to give this one a 12. My predicted winning weight will be 17lbs

June 13th - Michigan Center -- This tournament I will be fishing with a little chip on my shoulder. Hopefully like last year there will still be some fish on beds. Goguac was my most depressing tournament bc I didn't notice that they were still bedding and missed a huge opportunity that I should have taken advantage of. Excitement scale is probably only a 7. More than likely they will all be post spawn and a little sluggish. Not looking fwd to grinding it out there for 3 or 4 keepers. My predicted winning weight will be 8 -1/2 lbs

June 19 and 20th - Cadilac and Mitchell -- I have only been on this body of water one other time as well. This will not bode well for me b/c like last years Wixom tournament, I probably won't be able to pre-fish and probably have my a$$ handed to me :) Excitement scale 5 My predicted winning weight will be 26lbs for both days

July 18th - Lake St. Clair -- This time of year on St. Clair you can usually catch them using many different patterns. I personally won't make the mistake of staying close for the sake of saving money like I did last year. This year I will have all 50 gallons of gas in the boat and be willing to stop and get more if I have to. Excitement scale 10 mainly b/c in the years before the club this lake is where I spent much of my time. Unfortunately I will have about 200 coordinates to check (thus the reason for all of the gas) My predicted winning weight will be 19lbs if they are in the channels.

July 25th - Muskegon -- Muskegon lake is another one of my favorites in Michigan. I have done well here but unfortunately never fished it in the middle of the summer. I assume I will probably hit up some of my west side buddies for a little help on this one. Excitement scale 10!! My predicted winning weight will be 14lbs.

August 8th - Wamplers -- Well... we have to fish local for a few of the tournaments I guess. Excitement scale 2 My predicted winning weight will be 6lbs

August 22 - Devils -- See above :( Excitement scale 4 only because I have had better success here than wamplers but i predict a 3 fish limit of 6 pounds to win it.

September 12th - Lake Ovid -- FROGGIN, nuff said. Excitement scale 9 My predicted winning weight will be 13lbs - hopefully!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fishing Update

Got out a few times in the past few days and I have a little info to pass along. First of all let me clarify things by saying yes I am targeting bass that are out of season. The catch and release period does not start until April 24th, same as walleye and pike. I can understand the closed season on these two in order to protect the spawning season but bass do not spawn until mid-May. I can't figure out why bass season is closed at all, in order to coordinate everything and make regulating seasons for the DNR I guess. Either way I think it's silly and I will openly target bass, all released unharmed of course.

With that off my chest here is the latest water reports. Most lakes as of Wednesday afternoon had water temps in the mid to high 40's, probably creeping into the low 50's by Thursday. I think some small channels and cuts will probably approach the mid to high 50's by the weekend, getting the crappie bite going in lakes such as Michigan Center and the rest of it's chain.

I was on Clarks Wednesday and only caught two small fish but was on Columbia Sunday morning in a cold rain and caught a limit of 2 pound largemouth in the backs of some channels. It was interesting how on a big shallow lake like that could have such a good bite happening on a cold morning while on a sunny 70 degree day it was so awful on Clarks. The setup of each lake is completely different and the fishing varies greatly. I will remember this lesson in springs to come. I bet other shallow largemouth lakes with wind protected channels would also excel now like Center while clear lakes with little cover like Portage would seem like the dead sea.

I'll be in Florida for the next week and hope to fish at least one day while on vacation. I hope to get fellow club member Matt Morgan to post a report next week from his recent BFL tournament held on Kentucky Lake March 13th. He has some interesting things to say and hopefully he can make a post while I'm lying at the pool. Fishing season will be in full swing when I get back and I'll start my BawBeese previews.