# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2009 Classic Results

1) Mark Dereadt 2 fish 3.96lbs
2) Bill Maurer 1 fish 3.85 lbs
3) Roy Albert 2 fish 3.69 lbs
4) Mike Pritchard 2 fish 2.93 lbs
5) Brian Masters 1 fish 2.32 lbs
6) Matt Morgan 1 fish 1.96 lbs
7) Jim Rice 1 fish 1.60 lbs
8) Craig Deck 0 fish
8) Scott Rice 0 fish

Big Bass: Bill Maurer 3.85
Big Bass #2: Mark Dereadt 2.40

Upcoming Events:
The banquet will be November 7th at Knights Steak house and I believe all the forms have been turned in and it looks like we will have a group of about 30 people attending. There are some great prizes that will be raffled like the G. Loomis and Carrott Stix spinning rods, Shimano spinning reels and several other high end rods. There are some great non-fishing items as well and some of the big prints should be popular also. Hope everyone brings some extra money to get in on these great raffle prizes and I hope everyone goes home with a little something.

The December meeting will be here before we know it as well and this is my favorite meeting of the year for obvious reasons. This is when we pick the lakes for next years tournaments so hope everyone is planning on attending. You must be a member to vote so if your 2010 dues aren't paid then this meeting would be a great time to do so. I have a few good ideas I'd like to see for next year and I'm sure I will start my "politicing" at the banquet so be prepared. I will talk more on the lake selections as the meeting draws closer but the wheels are already turning. Hope to see everyone at the banquet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dereadt wins "Classic"

Details are a little sketchy but I will pass along the information I have gathered so far. First of all your 2009 Classic Champ is Mark Dereadt who brought two fish to the weigh-in which was quite a feat on a tough fishing day. The weight was unavailable but probably close to four pounds and I believe those fish were caught on back to back casts. "If I wasn't fishing for those five minutes then I would have zereo'd" added Mark who won the Classic for I believe the fourth time.

Some other highlights of the tournament which was held on the Portage Lake chain in Pickney included Bill Maurer catching the big fish of the day. Bills 3.5 lb smallie came on a topwater popper in 48 degree water. A second fish would have won the event for Maurer but he suffered the same fate as all the rest of the field. Lots of big cruising fish, some of which would follow baits to the boat but would not bite was the theme of the day.

I'm not sure if anyone else weighed in multiple fish or not but I do know there were many singles brought in and two members zero'd. More details will follow as they come available. Great job Mark once again.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Club Notes

With the regular season over the club is anything but dormant. The Classic will be held this weekend, the SCMBC banquet is being planned for Nov. 7th and new board members are being nominated. First with the Classic, the site will be determined Sunday morning and results will be reported hopefully that night. As far as the banquet goes, I will be handling the reservations so anyone in the club who is interested in attending please send your money in to me or call me by October 24th if you have yet to do so already.

The board will look quite a bit different next year with Scott Rice and Mike Pritchard stepping up to take spots and Bill Maurer accepting the tournament directors position. This is Bills first shot at weigh-master but I'm sure he will do a great job at his new post. His first course of action will be to direct the lake selection process which will take place at the December club meeting.

There is still open water and I have not put the boat up yet and have actually fished a few "buddy" tournaments lately. Hopefully the weather will warm up a little and turn the bite on. I will post any meaningful catches as well as the Classic results soon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Classic Date Set

Sunday October, 18th will be the tenative date for this years "Classic" year end championship for the club. This years field will consist of nine anglers, the top nine finishers for the year and they will compete for the club title. Most of the nine are classic repeaters but the two club "rookies" made the tournament in their first try. Matt Morgan finished 7th overall and Craig Deck snuck in as the last automatic qualifier. The anglers will meet that morning and decide which lake will host the event and then drive to it and have a nine boat tourney. With the recent cold weather we've had it will definitely be a fall pattern and should be a good test for the fishermen.

Last years event was held on Wamplers Lake and the classic contenders were greated with temperatures in the high 70's and fishing was a little slow with only one limit coming to the scales. Scott Ferris won that event but we will have a new champion this year. Congradulations to Craig and Matt and to all of the nine qualifiers, you all did a great job this year and I'm jeleous I cannot join you. Results and reports will follow.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last Big Outing

With the club season over and winter getting closer, lots of guys start putting away the tackle and start heading to the woods. Not this guy, I hope to get a lot of good fishing in during the month of October and hope to post some good results. Fall fishing can be awsome and I've caught some of my biggest fish ever during this period.

This coming weekend will launch my fall fishing season and will also be my last out of town trip of the year. I'm heading to Burt Lake for my annual fall up-north trip, the fourth year in a row for this destination. The weather won't be particularly good but any up-north trip with the fellas is a great time. Just four in the party this year and we'll be staying at the state park in a 12' by 12' mini cabin so it will be tight. But hopefully we'll be on the water most of the weekend and hope to post some good pics when I get back. By the way, my biggest limit during the fall at Burt was two years ago that went just over 24 pounds. I hope to top that and then some.