# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rule Changes for 2010

With the January meeting comes changes and this year is no different. Nothing drastic but a little tweeking went on and I think it was for the better. First of all the Vice President position of the club was eliminated. This was a position that has been filled but the club felt that the President and board could handle the duties without an extra hand and I believe everyone is fine with the decision.

A few tournament rules were also addressed, the most noteworthy being the start time of tournaments. All events were to start at 7am and run for 8 hours but now the Tournament Director will have full authority to change start and stop times due to certain circumstances such as DNR launches not opening until 8am. This rule will come into effect during the Wamplers Lake event and don't be suprised if you see a tournament that runs from 9 to 5pm.

One other change that should be noted involves the clubs "Classic" at the end of the year. The past couple years we have tried to accomodate all qualifiers' schedules and the result was having a classic that ran well into October. This year the date will be set prior to the tournament season by the TD but has not been selected as of yet.

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