# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Saturday, July 4, 2009

LSC practice 7/3

I got out on St. Clair yesterday for my official practice day and it didn't go so well. The water temps had dropped 5 degrees from last weekend, the mayflies were still present and of course the wind was howling. Not great conditions to pre-fish a 450 mile lake but that was my day to go so Mike Maske and I still fished for about 6 hours. We ended up catching about 20 fish but nothing over 2.5 pounds. We both also hooked and lost big muskies up in anchor bay.

We fished water from 5-12 foot deep and just could not get into anything real consistent. Normally I like to get 5-6 different weedbeds marked and just rotate them during the tournament, making a "milk run". But with the big winds I've encountered this year, I havn't been able to locate very many new areas and my old ones don't seem to be producing yet. I may have to lower my expectations for next week but it's still St. Clair and anyone can catch 17-20 pounds in a hurry so I know it can still happen. I may get out one more time before the event next Sunday and I'll report my findings if I do.

1 comment:

  1. we should have some new people in the money this year with some of the better finishers not participating this year. should be interesting. I hope I can find them without, prefishing it could be tough.
