# of fellow fisherman that have visited since April 27th, 2010

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Club from a Rookie Perspective

Let me start by saying... The Southcentral Michigan Basscasters have been around for quite a while. As we hit the half way point in the season, I would like to address everything I have noticed about the club, and maybe a few things that I think could make it better without severely changing the traditions and history that makes the club what it is.

First of all, everyone who is in the club are great people. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. For example, the first tournament I fished as a club member I will remember forever. I pulled up to the ramp at Center and immediately as I exited my vehicle, Phil asked if he could help me with my cover. Now, coming from fishing NBAA and many open tournaments, it came to me as a shock when someone immediately offered me assistance with something. That has never happened in all 15 years of fishing tournaments. Thanks Phil!!!

Secondly, at Hardy I had the opportunity to hang out with a few club veterans who all told me where they catch them and what to look for on the lake since neither Craig or I have fished it before. The cool thing was that I believed all of them. Rarely do you get the feeling that people are telling the truth about their fishing spots. I could tell that these guys were sincere and only wanted Craig and I to have the same great experience they were going to have.

Lastly, everyone knows how to fish!!! Now don't get me wrong, I knew that coming in. But what I didn't realize was that I would get that same adrenaline rush fishing against 20 good fisherman as opposed to 100 that you don't know.

Now for the hard part, please don't take this the wrong way. A few things I would change.

First of all, I would make the open tournaments part of the normal club schedule. I find it unfortunate that not every club member does not attend, and fish the opens. Maybe the points for angler of the year would be half the total weight for those tournaments, or maybe 2/3's. I don't think we are giving a true representation of what the club is about when we have an open, and only half the members are their. I think also that we need to push memberships at the opens and maybe as a door prize, give away a years membership or two.

Secondly, I feel that perhaps we need to push for a tournament or two to be con-joined with a club from a neighboring county like Lansing or something. The two clubs would compete against each other, as well as individually. It would create more fun, If we win, and it would give everyone the opportunity to break the monotany and fish against different people. It would also be alluring to new members as something that other clubs don't do.

Lastly, I would love to see one draw tournament to force people to fish with someone else. No reason... I would just like to see it :)

In closing, my experience so far has been great. I hope everyone has enjoyed the company of both Craig and I!!! I do plan on many great years with the club, and one day fishing with my 4 year old son Spencer. Attached is a picture of a giant blue gill he caught from the drive way last week.

Sincerely Matt Morgan


  1. Matt I would just like to thank you for such an
    insightful opinion of this Club. As you know this club means alot to alot of the members and it is nice to hear a newcomber say such nice things. Thanks again. Kathy

  2. Matt has been a great addition to the club as has Craig. I hope these guys both make the classic and continue to help the club grow in a good direction. There are lots of good guys and good fishermen in Jackson and we need to draw more of these people into the club.
